Friday, 8 March 2013

What Is Health?

What is health?
Health is Wealth. It is true because your body is good then everything is good and your body not healthy then you feeling bad. You’ll not find in this world a 1 person who would not want to be healthy. A perfectly healthy person feels great, both physically and mentally. So what health? This above all the absence of any disease, both physically and morally.

Health is quality of life. Is a quality life. This is an opportunity to sleep soundly at night, not to feel pain during walking, eat heartily, have a good memory and the ability to achieve what is important to you (and only you). Health - is the time spent with the family, this is a walk in the woods, its ability to be happy, don't be afraid of the future and to manage stress. Health - is respect for your body and happiness of what your body is working like a charm. Health - is the energy, striking a key, don't run out of optimism and zest for life.

Our body is designed in such a way that it tends to heal, and every minute is working to heal itself. Even without our interference. The only thing we still need to do - is to stop him in the way.

Fact: Many symptoms in fact the result of the fact that our body is trying to heal itself. For example, most people are chronically dehydrated. They don’t drink enough plain clean water. But the water is also one of the components of blood. When the body loses water, it tries to reduce moisture loss, much of which is lost during respiration. So, to keep this moisture, the bodies restrict the operation of the bronchus, and create histamines.
Histamines difficulty breathing, that is, it becomes physically difficult to breathe in and out. The modern (Western) medicine believes that these protective mechanisms is a disease (asthma), and treat it, instead, that simply remove the cause - dehydration. Rather than prescribe a person to drink more water (this would reduce the formation of histamine) doctors prescribe antihistamines that cause the bronchial tubes to relax and ease the passage of air. This leads to greater fluid loss and dehydration condition worse.


Here's another good example - high pressure. Often the reason (one of the reasons) high blood pressure is too thick blood, which does not pass through small capillaries. To continue to ensure normal blood circulation, the heart has to work with a lot of stress. This increases the pressure. Again the pressure is not a disease symptom. The body is trying to push through the thick blood to where it doesn't pass. After all, if the access is limited to cells of the blood, these cells begin to die.

Healthy no blood thickens and flows freely. If a person is drinking enough water and eating foods rich in essential fatty acids (such as omega-3), the blood liquefies natural and pressure drops. Since it is easier to drink water through a straw, but not honey

"Asthma" as "high pressure" - it came up with the doctors of the disease. In other words, they don’t exist independently of themselves. It's just the symptoms that the body tries to bring its complex system into balance.

To again be able to heal, we must learn to listen to your body and understand what it wants from you and not to weaken its chemicals, mutilate or kill surgery toxic therapies, such as chemotherapy.
In general, keep in mind that your body wants to be healthy and to include with this much effort. "Symptoms" - this is just a cry for help, this solicitation of the body to help in the healing process. If you are careful, you will hear what your body is trying to tell you, but if not - will turn off the symptoms with painkillers, surgery or other types of destructive therapy.

The body is a wonderful creation of nature. As we built the most advanced Nano technology the immune system. Our nervous system complexity and coherence exceeds the most advanced computers in the world. Our reproductive system - it is a miracle play of life. Our internal organs and keep the memory of emotions, because those who were transplanted organs from donors and more memories and emotional experiences.

In short, we are a wonderful creation of nature. We have such a potential to heal itself, the only thing that can reduce this potential - is pharmaceutical products. All medicines based on chemistry - unnatural and off a process of self-healing of the body. Not surprisingly, after a toxic cocktail of healing magic disappears.

Give yourself a chance to recover

Try for a week to give up all allopathic (it does not have in mind the homeopathic) medicines, food additives, such as E, refined foods (products of white sugar, flour, and all that have not heated treated in your kitchen), do not use household chemistry (much can be replaced with baking soda), cosmetics, perfumery and not eating meat of animals that stuffed with hormones and antibiotics (and then brutally murdered.)

Perhaps, then, the healing power of your body will again be available to you ...
We have what we have absorbed

what to do?

  • Drink vegetable juice. Every day. Especially good for the digestive tract affect fresh cabbage juice and celery (root or stem, that’s) is naturally increasing acidity to normal.
  • Eat fresh, raw vegetables and fruit, and supply the body with digestive enzymes.
  • Don’t eat dead food (refined or pasteurized). Such foods load the liver, pancreas and gall bladder, which need to produce more food enzymes, which would make up for their lack of a dead food.
  • There are probiotics and encourage "good" bacteria in the stomach. Modern medicine has traditionally ignored the importance of good health to have a normal intestinal micro-flora. This micro-flora or "good bacteria" converts some nutrients in the other, those that are easily digestible. One should stay away from antibiotics, clean sweeps the "good" bacteria. Probiotics found in yogurt (almost not found in yogurt), the sauerkraut, salted cucumbers. Preservatives, in particular E 234, E 211, E 270, E 220-228, which are sometimes added to dairy products, probiotics kill.
  • Stop to eat sweets. The more sugar we eat, the more we cultivate the "bad" bacteria that feed on them (fungal, etc.). In fact, eating sweets, we lure molds from which are then very difficult to get rid of.

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