Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Coffee Is Stimulating

Coffee Is Stimulating

Most Germans decide daily for their cup of coffee - we Germans drink at least 73 million cups a day. In each Cup, coffee stuck in 100 mg of caffeine. If we enjoy the hot drink in moderation, coffee has positive effects.
The coffee was in the 17th and 18th century slowly but surely in Europe. Initially, coffee was drunk, later increasingly also with other meals for breakfast. The popularity of coffee is based mainly on its stimulating effect. This effect of coffee can be essentially attributed to the contained caffeine and the chlorogenic acids.

Caffeine content in coffee

A coffee bean contains between 0.8% and 2.5% caffeine. The caffeine content in coffee is determined also by the duration of the contact of the water with a powder. The usual crowd – not more than four cups a day - is no health risk.Despite all the efforts has not succeeded yet until today, to make a complete record of all components of the coffee, because its chemical composition is extremely complex and depends on a variety of factors.

The stimulatory effect of the cycle is secured. Widen blood vessels, the heart rate increases and improves the circulation of all organs. Caffeine influenced also our respiratory center – breathing is accelerated and expanded the bronchial tubes. Caffeine is also a diuretic and leads to increased urination (diuretic effect). More generally, one can say – coffee stimulates the whole metabolism. In addition, it increases your calorie consumption, is not a problem for the character, but with zero calories.

Coffee is kicking

The coffee bean has an amazing effect on our gray cells: increases blood flow to the brain - and thus the concentration. Increase the speed of reaction and the receptiveness of the brain. Coffee is a "stimulant" – after a cup of coffee, we are again more attentive and more concentrated than previously. Coffee is so creative, intelligent and persistent, which however does not necessarily mean that he robs us sleep. So some of two cups is alive, in the late afternoon while other sleepy just a Cup.

The big advantage: A caffeine dependence in the sense of an addiction there is no. The stimulatory effect unfolds about 30 to 45 minutes after you drank him coffee. According to the latest studies, to achieve the best effect if you distributed to take the caffeine in small doses throughout the day instead of in a large bowl in the morning.

Who benefits from the coffee?

Coffee lifts the spirits, promotes the good mood and...

  • Seniors benefit from better brain blood flow and fall asleep often with a nightly Cup better coffee.
  • Caffeine acts Yes vasodilator, therefore it is used also pharmaceutical: against headache, asthma, congestive heart failure, morphine poisoning.
  • Who like to drink coffee and worries about his cholesterol levels need to know that it does matter how to make the coffee. The consumption of filtered coffee will have no influence on the blood lipid levels. Substances in the body that affect the cholesterol value appears for unfiltered variants (E.g. espresso).
  • Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of coffee reduces the risk of getting gallstones by 25 percent. Roasting substances act as so-called antioxidants in coffee. The chlorogenic acid in coffee may prevent possibly colon and liver cancer.
  • Coffee can be a "digestive aid". A coffee or coffee after a meal stimulates the production of stomach acid and bile secretion - stomach and intestines come back in swing.
  • It is known that caffeine can improve endurance performance during sport activities. The "watch making" effect and stimulation of respiration through the coffee ingredients are useful for athletes. If however the breakdown of fats leads to increased fat burning, is still unclear. Caffeinated drinks should be consumed prior to exercise, not suitable but as fluid replacement after sport.
Coffee: Impact unhealthy, if...

Caffeine has also negative effects, but only in higher doses. It comes then to tremor, palpitations, high blood pressure, may also to fear attacks. People who are very sensitive to the effects of caffeine, then suffer from sleep disorders, stomach problems or above mentioned symptoms. Other people in turn tolerated even large amounts of caffeine without any problems.

  • Coffee is a "Säurelocker", that is, stimulates the production of gastric juice. So if you have a sensitive stomach or already is sick at the stomach, should restrict his coffee consumption to two cups a day.
  • The nerve cells of the existing caffeine adapt with time. Is the coffee is suddenly completely set, headaches can adjust itself. But they subside again after a few days.
  • Coffee should be enjoyed by nursing mothers or pregnant women only to a small degree. A cup of coffee per day during pregnancy does not harm the unborn but.
  • People with osteoporosis should drink coffee with milk.
  • If you have serious heart problems, should discuss about its coffee enjoyment with the doctor.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very useful information you shared here. I didn't know about some benefits of coffee. I had been just drinking it without actually knowing that coffee can be that much beneficial.

    Thanks you Anjelina for writing this lovely article.

    Best Regards,
    Finn Felton
    Kopi Luwak


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